Add, Update, and View Venues, Venue Groups, Jobs, Job Groups, Departments, Meal Lengths, Park Locations, ANIs, Venue Jobs GL ANIs, and Reasons.
Front Office
View and edit employees’ schedules. Add employees to the On-Call Roster. Track employees who are called to fill open schedules. Pay employees for Absent days.
View active employees’ jobs, venues, availabilty, default department and crews, loanout departments and crews, and seniority ranking.
View Department and Crew information and assign seniority ranking to the employees in each department. View the Availabilty for employees in each department.
Upload and copy schedules for a department/crew or manually enter schedules for individual employees. Create Forecast Templates and using the Forecast Templates, create schedules and assign employees to these schedules.
Review/Compare Scheduled Activities and Recorded Activities.
JPP/Special Events
Add and update JPPs, Special Events and GL Charge Codes.
Run, view, and print Scheduler reports.
Upload Template
Use this process to upload data from an Excel spreadsheet.